Day 11 — The ultimate cheatsheet of cheatsheets

I started the Odin Project, and most of the foundation-level stuff so far is reading and setting up VSCode and programming environment, most of which I had done already for CS50 (I programmed locally on VSCode and only copied my final code for submission in the online IDE).

However, when I got to the git section, I realized there are syntaxes I will use ever so often, and I have an awful memory, so during my internet deep-dive, I came across the concept of cheat sheets. So, until now, I used the GitHub desktop app to commit, which I have come to understand is not the grownup way of doing things.

This post will compile my favourite cheat sheets for different programming concepts. Hence, this post will be updated regularly.


VSCode Cheat Sheet

Git Cheat Sheet

What do you think?